Yemen HR is #1 jobs/tenders source in Yemen since 2006.
The platform is the main source for all the job/tender ads in Yemen and is trusted by over 300 clients in the country.
Our app will provide you with all the recently posted jobs/tenders in Yemen on timely bases. All the job/tender ads are updated and posted on daily bases so you will never miss a single listing.
Subscribe to the Job or Tender alerts to ensure that you receive timely notifications for any listings you are interested in. You can filter the alerts so you only receive what you are only interested to review.
The app provides a clear and clean layout that is convenient to the eye giving the users a great browsing experience.
You can search for any job or tender by title or company, or using any keyword.
You can also save or bookmark the listings that you want to keep on your phone for later review.
لن تتم الموافقة على نشر التعليقات إذا كانت رسائل غير مرغوب فيها أو مسيئة أو خارج الموضوع أو تستخدم لغة بذيئة أو تحتوي على هجوم شخصي أو تروج للكراهية من أي نوع.